“ And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.” – (Galatians 3:27 NLT )
It was an honor to see Marissa & Rylee profess their faith in Jesus and be baptized yesterday! We look forward to seeing what God has in store for their futures!

We had the honor of witnessing two more baptisms today.Congratulations, Hunter and Lilly! We are so excited to see what the Lord has planned for your future!

Congratulations on your baptism today, Josh, Tatum and Stella Johnson!

Congratulations on your baptism today, Edee! We are so excited to see what your future holds!

Edee Jean Lindsey
Gavin made a public profession of his faith in Jesus and was baptized this morning. We are excited to see what the future holds for him!

Gavin Braye 11/12/2023
We are so thankful to see more and more people coming to know the Lord! Congratulations to Hailie, Samantha, & Kylee! We are excited to see what the future holds for you!

Hailie Melvin October 8. 2023

Samantha Cuttill October 8, 2023

Kylee Jo Hopkins October 8, 2023
Congratulations to Landon Zbinden and Steven Fenske! We are so excited to see you continue to walk with the Lord!

Landon Zbinden 6/25/2023

Steven Fenske 6/25/2023
Congratulations Brian! We are so excited to see you continue to follow Jesus!

Brian Taylor 4/23/2023
Congratulations Kylar Wilkerson! We are excited to see what your future holds.

Kylar Wilkerson 4/23/2023
We love seeing lives surrendered to Christ! Cameron, we are so proud of you, and we look forward to watching you grow in Christ!

Cameron Melvin 03/05/2023
It is amazing to see April share her testimony and get baptized this morning!

April Taylor 07/10/2022
It is always amazing to see lives drawn to Christ and changed! We had the honor of seeing Kyle and Robin get baptized yesterday, and we look forward to seeing what their future with Christ holds for them!

Kyle Wiggins 3/27/2022

Robin Wiggins 3/27/2022
We had the honor of having three more baptisms this morning. Congratulations Lisha, Nate, & Heather! We are excited to see what your future holds. We know God can do big things when we are committed to being “all in.”

Lisha Clary 10/24/2021

Heather Allen 10/24/2021

Nate Allen 10/24/2021
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Seeing lives surrendered to Christ is always amazing! Congratulations, Kevin! We are excited to see what God has ahead for you!

Kevin Johnson 10/10/2021

Lyla Hoffert—-April 25,2021

Makenzie Buckley—April 25,2021

Shelby Simonton—April 25, 2021

Waylon Guyot—April 25, 2021
Maeley was baptized on Sunday. We are so excited to watch her continue to grow as she walks with the Lord!

Maeley 10/4/2020