Pastor Myron Kirk and wife Patti
“Pastor Myron shares a little about him and his family below:
Patti and I have been married since October 22, 1983. We have four sons, four beautiful daughters-in-law, and nine precious grandchildren; (Yes, we do have pictures!) We’ve been blessed!
We’ve also been blessed to pastor Grace Fellowship Church since 1994! In 1993, God spoke to me and said “I’m calling you to pastor in Fillmore.” Well, there were a lot of things God had to work out and some mountains He had to move for that to happen but, here we are! It’s been quite a journey. Salvations, deliverance, growth in numbers, building projects, learning from our mistakes and successes, having our faith stretched and most importantly, changed lives have all been a part of this ride!
I am the Senior Pastor here and Patti leads our Worship Ministry. We are about as diverse a group of Believers as possible! We have people from different backgrounds, different environments, different upbringings, different likes and dislikes, different socio-economic situations yet there is one common thread running through all of us: we were lost, somewhere along the journey we’ve had a personal encounter with the living Jesus, and we are being transformed! We would like to invite you to come and visit us. Time after time we hear people say, “When I stepped through those doors, I knew I was home!” Please, come join us and be a part of our family!”